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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Ulysses Panisset” ,找到相关结果约350条。
Workshop on the use of evidence in municipal health management: a pioneering experience Taller sobre el uso de la evidencia en la gestión municipal de salud: una experiencia pionera Curso ‘Uso de evidências na gest o municipal da saúde’: uma experiência pioneira
Jorge Otavio Maia Barreto,Nathan Mendes Souza,Carmem Veronica Mendes Abdala,Ulysses Panisset
Revista Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade , 2012, DOI: 10.5712/rbmfc7(23)424
Abstract: This paper presents the experience of a workshop on the use of evidence in municipal health management held during the XXVI Congress of CONASEMS that aimed to promote the incorporation of research evidence to inform the decision making process by managers and healthcare providers. The workshop was designed, planned and conducted within EVIPNet Brazil institutional partnerships EVIPNet and its outputs comprised relevant discussion on strategies and tools for dissemination and use of research evidence for the management of the Unified Health System in Brazil. Aquí se presenta la experiencia del taller acerca del uso de la evidencia en la gestión municipal de salud que ocurrió durante el XXVI Congreso de CONASEMS con el objetivo de promover la incorporación de la evidencia de investigación para informar el proceso de toma de decisiones por los directivos y profesionales de la salud. El taller fue dise ado, planificado y llevado a cabo por las asociaciones institucionales de EVIPNet Brasil y sus resultados aportan relevante discusión acerca estrategias y herramientas para la diseminación y utilización de las evidencias de investigación en salud en la gestión del Sistema único de Salud en Brasil. é apresentada a experiência do curso Uso de evidências na gest o municipal da saúde, realizado durante o XXVI Congresso do CONASEMS com o objetivo de promover a incorpora o da evidência científica como subsídio do processo de tomada de decis o de gestores e profissionais de saúde. O curso foi concebido, planejado e realizado no ambito das parcerias institucionais da EVIPNet Brasil e seus resultados apontam aspectos relevantes para discuss o acerca das estratégias e ferramentas para dissemina o e utiliza o de evidências de pesquisa em saúde na gest o do Sistema único de Saúde no Brasil.
Implementation research evidence uptake and use for policy-making
Ulysses Panisset, Tracey Pérez Koehlmoos, Ahmed Hamdi Alkhatib, Tomas Pantoja, Prabal Singh, Jane Kengeya-Kayondo, Ben McCutcheon
Health Research Policy and Systems , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1478-4505-10-20
Contribui??es científicas do professor Dr. Heinz Charles Kohler para a Geomorfologia Cárstica Tropical brasileira
Travassos, Luiz Eduardo Panisset;
Sociedade & Natureza , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1982-45132010000300016
Abstract: this work is intended to honour professor dr. heinz charles kohler due to his recent death. while reviewing his work, especially in the field of karst geomorphology one can confirm his pioneering character in the modern study of the brazilian limestone tropical karst. even though it is very difficult or almost impossible to summarize a whole life in just a few pages, it is the author's intention to recall some of dr. kohler's most important works related to karst.
Impactos gerados pela UHE Porto Primavera sobre o meio físico e biótico de Campinal, Presidente Epitácio,SP
Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos
Revista de Biologia e Ciências da Terra , 2001,
Abstract: According to many researchers we observe two different forces acting in all process of environmental appropriation. Because of the growing use of natural resources mankind demand new sources of energy leading to a multiple modification of the natural conditions of soil, water and the atmosphere. Near by Presidente Epitácio, there’s a place called Campinal, probably owner of one of the most beautiful sceneries of the area: the wetlands of Rio do Peixe river. This place shelters one of the Field Bases of the Brazilian Cervid Project responsible for the management and conservation of the Blastocerus dichotomus, the Marsh Deer. The collected data from the project is important to the analysis of the impacts from the flooding of Porto Primavera reservoir. The total flooded area correspond the wetlands of Córrego do Veado to Rio do Peixe, approximately 2.250 Km2. The impacts generated by this kind of power plant don't limit to the mentioned in the work, however, in the author's vision those were the most evident for the researchers and the resident population in the area of Rio do Peixe.
Inteligências Múltiplas
Luiz Carlos Panisset Travassos
Revista de Biologia e Ciências da Terra , 2001,
Abstract: It’s necessary an ample point of view about humans thought comporing with that are acceptable to the cognitive searches. It’s inevitable the influence of Jean Piaget Theory, broaching all the human thought as fighting to the ideal scientific thought. With this note, we decide to emphasize the unknown numbers of the human different abilities, since the musical intelligence until the self-intelligence, studying the consequences in the education.How it’s possible will try to show the background of the theory, defining " intelligence", the research methods, a point of view of cognitive picture, the intelligence relationed to genius and mental making. We can say the different human "intelligence" guides to a new point of view in the education and the best way to understand each intelligence is thinking about that they are together, with the possibility of the existence of the different intellectual ability in different groups can change the function of the teacher.
A fotografia como instrumento de auxílio no ensino da Geografia
Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos
Revista de Biologia e Ciências da Terra , 2001,
Abstract: The article focus on the human capability of performing an infinite range of activities and actions which carry several pedagogical dimensions, pointing out how important the art of photography is for studies in Geography. The writer shows us a number of ways to look at landscape and take students on a tour of the world beyond classroom walls. In this activity, many aspects are seen to focusing mainly on a perception process, in which the scene is defined according to a specific point of view from where it is observed, and also on the cognitive element through which individuals structure and organize their interface with the real world starting from their personal interests and needs.
Contribui es científicas do Professor Dr. Heinz Charles Kohler para a Geomorfologia Cárstica Tropical Brasileira / Scientific Contributions of Professor Dr. Heinz Charles Kohler to the Brazilian Tropical Karst Geomorphology
Luiz Eduardo Panisset Travassos
Revista Sociedade & Natureza , 2010,
Abstract: O presente trabalho tem por objetivo homenagear o Prof. Dr. Heinz Charles Kohler por ocasi o de seu recente falecimento. Ao analisar a sua obra, especialmente no campo da geomorfologia cárstica, é possível confirmar seu caráter pioneiro no estudo do carste carbonático tropical brasileiro. Mesmo que seja muito difícil, ou mesmo impossível, resumir uma vida em poucas páginas, é objetivo do autor lembrar alguns dos mais importantes trabalhos do Dr. Kohler relacionados ao carste.
Contingência e análise infinita em Leibniz
Pinheiro, Ulysses;
Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-512X2001000200004
Abstract: leibniz says in various occasions that infinite analysis is the key concept to explain the compatibillity of determinism and contingence. it is not evident, however, why the analogical use of a mathematical concept, such as infinitesimal calculus, could solve this ontological problem, nor in what sense one should understand such analogy. the aim of this paper is to elucidate these two points.
Pinheiro, Ulysses;
Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia , 2006, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-512X2006000100009
Abstract: at first sight, actions and omissions do not share the same properties. some authors hold that an illustration of this assimetry is causality: actions must be explained as the instantiation of a causal relation between an agent and certain facts, while omissions seem to have to be explained as the absence of causal relations between a person and the relevant facts. in this paper, i will show that actions and omissions are, contrary to appearances, simetrical regarding the attribution of genuine causality.
A "doen?a dos eruditos" e a triangularidade da ideia de triangulo: uma análise do conceito de espa?o no tratado de Hume
Pinheiro, Ulysses;
Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-512X2010000100004
Abstract: hume's analysis of the concept of space in the treatise of human nature commits him to a series of positive assertions on its nature and on the content represented by its idea: space is finitely divisible, and its idea is composed of colored or tactile non-extended points, which leads him to conclude that the idea of space is itself spatial. these assertions seem to commit hume to an idealistic theory of space. in this paper, i propose to elucidate hume's arguments for his positive theses and to examine his commitment to idealism through a characterization of the nature of treatise's propositions.

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